Just a collection of semi-usefull commands.
lsdev -Cc if – Lists all available/defined network interfaces
chdev -l (device name) -a hostname=(hostname) – Changes hostname permanently
ifconfig (device name) detach – Removes the network card from the network interface list
ifconfig lo0 alias – Create alias ip address for loopback
route (add/delete) (-net/-host) (destination) (gateway) – Adds or deletes routes to other networks or hosts, does not update the ODM database and will be lost at reboot.
route add -net
chdev -l en0 -a “net,-hopcount,1,-netmask,netmask,destination,gateway” – Adds a route and adds entry into ODM, route survives a reboot.
chdev -l en0 -a “net,-hopcount,1,-netmask,,,”
route -rn – Display route table.
odmget -q “attribute=route” CuAt – Displays routes in the ODM.
lsattr -EHl en0 – Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
odmget -q “name=en0” CuAt – Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
netstat -i – Displays interface statistics
entstat -d (ethernet adapter eg en0) – Displays ethernet statistics
arp -a – Displays ip to mac address table from arp cache
stopsrc -g tcpip – Stops all running TCP/IP daemons
/etc/tcp.clean – Stops all running TCP/IP daemons and removes all lock files
/etc/rc.tcpip – Start all TCP/IP daemons. Do not use startsrc -g tcpip as this will start all TCP/IP daemons including routed & gated