I recently had an AIX system where the IBM License Management Tool failed to install. The failure message I got is:
CODAG076E Writing the agent signature file to the agent installation folder has failed. Check the agent installation folder and ensure that:
-You have write access to the folder.
-Files are unlocked.
-There is sufficient space on the disk.
Followed by:
CODAG011E - The command cannot be executed.
Of course, installp takes care of everything by removing the evidence. So, the usual install logs get wiped, if they were ever created. I started by checking the likely suspects, /var and /tmp. Both had plenty of free space and both had good permissions. I double-checked my response file, it looked good and has worked on other systems.
So, I turned to filesystem free space. All of my filesytems have plenty of free space, as a percentage of size. And, there aren’t any filesystem full messages in the errpt. But, /opt and / both didn’t have much free space in terms of actual bytes. After adding just a little space to both of those, the install went through normally. And, on another system adding some free space to /var resolved the same error.
Thanks for your help – saved me some time!
Thanks. Helped a lot. I’ll like to talked to the moron who coded the install file. Check for at least 500MB in /opt and / (root)
I had the same errors, but in my case the reason was a file permission.
root /tmp/itlm > ls -al
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Dec 10 13:10 .
drwxrwxrwt 9 bin bin 12288 Dec 10 13:17 ..
dr-xr-xr-x 3 root system 4096 Dec 10 13:10 pkg
only one lpar had this problem , the other 78 not
I had the same errors. So after loads of troubleshooting, I found a traceInstallagent.log in /var/ibm/tivoli/common/COD/logs/install/trace.
For me it was /home, that was to small.
Hope this helps.