On a multi-node HACMP cluster without enhanced concurrent VGs, anytime you add a LV to a volume group, you have to make sure the other nodes see the LV. This will also fix other VG out of sync issues. You can either take everything down and do an importvg on all the nodes, or you can do a “Lazy Update”:
On the current node, the one with the changes, get the PVID of one disk for each volume group to sync:
lspv | grep vgname
Remove the reservations on the shared VG:
varyonvg -b -u vgname
On the other nodes, get the name of the disk that has the same PVID as the current node.
lspv | grep vgname
Import the VG on all the non-current nodes, using the local disk name that has the original PVID:
importvg -L vgname vpathxx
On the current node:
varyonvg vgname