It’s possible under some circumstances to have files stored in TSM that the client won’t or can’t delete. This usually happens with TDP installations. You can force TSM to delete these backups, but do so very carefully. It’s possible to delete the wrong backup easily. Run this on a UNIX client or server.
First get a list of all the files a node has backed up:
dsmadmc -id=userid -pass=userpass "show versions nodename * namet=unicode" > tsm_vers.out
Edit the output file and only leave the backups that you want to delete. This command reads that input file and deletes any backups in it:
for objid in `grep ObjId tsm_vers.out | cut -d"." -f2 | cut -d "," -f1` do
dsmadmc -id=userid -pass=userpass "delete object 0 $objid"
At some point the output of “show vers” has changed slightly, this should work with version 6.X:
for objid in `grep ObjId tsm_vers.out | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d "," -f1` do
dsmadmc -id=userid -pass=userpass "delete object 0 $objid"