It’s recommended to keep everything in the enterprise on the same time to make troubleshooting easier if nothing else. Brocade Fibre Channel Switches can use an NTP server to keep time. The principle switch polls the NTP server and the updates are propagated to the entire fabric.
Script to create home dirs
When LDAP is enabled, any user in the tree can login (with some conditions), but the users home directory isn’t built on the fly. The way to fix this is remotely mounted home directories, but that’s not always practical. If there is no local home directory, and you don’t mount the directory remotely, the user will be put into the guest home directory at login. This script will scan the LDAP tree, check to see if the user is denied logins on this host, create the home directory, and copy the .profile from /etc/skel/.
RFC 2307aix schema for OpenLDAP
IBM recommends people use Tivoli Directory Server for LDAP authentication with AIX. Which is free for AIX use and contains all the proprietary schemas necessary. But, if you already have OpenLDAP, IBM uses a proprietary schema that makes full integration difficult. Or if you want to use the LDAP server for more than just AIX authentication, you have to buy the full product.
You can authenticate in RFC 2307 mode, but you miss most of the AIX specific user attributes. This schema works with RFC 2307AIX mode in AIX. Some modifications had to be made, mainly boolean attributes don’t work well between OpenLDAP and AIX. I don’t know if AIX or OpenLdap is more RFC compliant, but it’s broken. So, those are converted to text attributes, and seem to work well.
This schema is provided as-is, if it breaks free and destroys your world, it’s not my fault. If you fix anything broken, please send me the changes.
Restart all printing related servers
In the event that there appears to be printing problems, Cerner recommends that the following servers be cycled:
Stop all comclients
A quicky to stop all the comclients at once, in scpview do:
find -descrip op_* -stop
Set all comclients to 1 instances
When your ready to set the comclients back to one instance, in scpview do:
find -descrip op_* -apply -inst 1
Set all comclients to 0 instances
Sometimes you need to set all the comclients to 0 instances, so they won’t run when the domain comes up (usually after a down-time).
Rebuilding code and auditconf
It’s a good idea to rebuild the code cache and audit conf.
Disabling NTP stepping
Normally NTP slews the time if it’s off by less than 128ms, and steps the time if it’s over that. This can cause some serious problems with Oracle (especially 9i+). The -x option in xntpd forces all time changes to be slewed instead of stepped. You’ll want to run ntpdate if your time isn’t pretty close to being accurate already then make these changes:
stopsrc -s xntpd
chssys -s xntpd -a "-x"
startsrc -s xntpd
Clearing MQSeries IPCS semaphores
If there are problems getting MQSeries to start, try clearing out the IPCS semaphors used by MQ. With MQ down, run:
ipcs -s |egrep mqm |awk '{print $2}' |xargs -i -n1 ipcrm -s
ipcs -m |egrep mqm |awk '{print $2}' |xargs -i -n1 ipcrm -m