Test network performance

This command test memory to memory copies over rsh (a low overhead protocol). This should be about all the throughput you are going to get from your network adapters:

export RSH_TEST_HOST=hostname
time dd if=/dev/zero count=1000 bs=1M | rsh $RSH_TEST_HOST dd of=/dev/null

If you want to test TCP, here’s the same thing using FTP:

ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1000" /dev/null

and NCFTP with time:

time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1000 | /usr/local/bin/ncftpput -u USER -p PASSWORD -c HOST /dev/null

AIX Debug Install

If an installation or migration fails, you can run the install in “debug” mode. Boot from the CD as normal, select the console and language. Then type “911”. The screen should silently refresh without saying anything about an invalid selection. Now continue the install as normal. The output of the scripts the install process runs with show up on the screen. It’s sometimes a lot of data, but you can often see what’s wrong with the install this way.

SeriesP HBA not logging into the fabric

On one box, I had a HBA that would NOT do a fabric login, this is what we had to do to get it to login:

  1. Unplug the fibre from the HBA
  2. Cycle the LPAR
  3. Boot it into SMS
  4. Attach the fibre to the HBA
  5. Run a scan for hard disks via SMS (5-Boot options, 1-select boot device, 5-Hard drives, 9-Scan)

Tada… your HBA should light up and log in

Fixing dead DLPAR

Sometimes your P4 (and maybe P5?) DLPAR goes to lunch and the dynamic menu options don’t appear.  To reset everything on the HMC, IBM recommends we run this from the offending LPAR:


If that doesn’t work, try:

/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -z
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -A
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -p