Simple one-liner to list all your network ports negotiated speed:
netstat -v | egrep "Media | \(en"
Simple one-liner to list all your network ports negotiated speed:
netstat -v | egrep "Media | \(en"
The Migration Upgrade option is missing when trying to perform an AIX upgrade.
Check the version of each copy of the boot logical volume (hd5). If any copy has the target AIX version or higher, this will cause the migration option to be unavailable.
If you don’t have access to the web page of the Management Module, or you’re too lazy to walk to a PC, you can ssh into the management module and do it from the CLI.
Normally NTP slews the time if it’s off by less than 128ms, and steps the time if it’s over that. This can cause some serious problems with Oracle (especially 9i+). The -x option in xntpd forces all time changes to be slewed instead of stepped. You’ll want to run ntpdate if your time isn’t pretty close to being accurate already then make these changes:
stopsrc -s xntpd
chssys -s xntpd -a "-x"
startsrc -s xntpd
If there are problems getting MQSeries to start, try clearing out the IPCS semaphors used by MQ. With MQ down, run:
ipcs -s |egrep mqm |awk '{print $2}' |xargs -i -n1 ipcrm -s
ipcs -m |egrep mqm |awk '{print $2}' |xargs -i -n1 ipcrm -m
# - Trim old entrues off of the wtmp file so it doesn't grow
# forever.
# V1.0 - 12/07/00
/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmp | tail -20000 > /tmp/
if [ "$?" != 0 ]
echo "$0" "Error extracting wtmp file"
/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp -ic < /tmp/ > /var/adm/wtmp
if [ "$?" != 0 ]
echo "$0" "Error recompressing wtmp file"
rm /tmp/
Sometimes after an AIX upgrade, reload, or new system installation, you’ll get “The X-Server can not be started on display:0:” on the ASCII console. To fix it Delete the bottom line beginning with :0 in the /usr/dt/config/Xservers file.
When creating HACMP concurrent volume groups, it’s necessary to sync the major device numbers between the nodes. To see what each node has available for major devices run:
The HBA does not need to be configured in most cases. Nevertheless, you should verify if your HBA runs in Point to Point mode if applicable (such as switched fabric). By default the HBA tries first to run in FC_AL instead of Point to Point. If the system is booted without being connected to a switch, it may operate in FC_AL mode even after it is connected to a switch. In some circumstances you may have problems with missing devices if your HBA does not run in the correct mode.
If you need to poweroff or poweron an LPAR remotely, you can do it with command lines.