Check TSM Client Levels

In order to check what level your clients are, your can run a simple select:

select node_name, -
cast (client_version as char)||'.'||-
cast (client_release as char)||'.'||-
cast (client_level as char)||'.'||-
cast (client_sublevel as char (2))-
CLIENT_LVL from nodes

Sometimes when you upgrade the server, you need a minimum level of client. Like the 6.1 server requires all clients to be at 5.5 or higher. To just see what clients are below a certain level, you can run:

Installing TSM Client On Ubuntu

IBM distributes the TSM clients in RPM format, but not in deb format for Debian based Linux distributions. The re are some TSM clients in deb format out there, but the latest I could find is version 5.4. I found that alien converts the RPM files decently enough.

First, install alien:

sudo apt-get install alien

Then, get all the RPMs you want to install in the same directory and run:

alien -k *.rpm

There is a problem with the install scripts that they didn't create a link on my systems:

ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/lang/EN_US/ /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/EN_US/

After that, the client should work just as if installed on a Redhat based system.

Storage Pool SHOW commands

Show archives for a given Node within a Policy Set:

SHow Archives PolicySet NodeName

This command will list out all the files in a storage pool that are marked as damaged. To fix them, run an AUDIT VOL command.

SHow DAMAGED poolname

This command was added with TSM version 5.2.2. It will check out all possible destination storage pools for a given client node and tell you if this storage pool can support LAN-free backup and restore.

SHOW LANFREE nodeName storageAgent

Shows the status of the library and its drives:

SHow LIBrary

The fields are:

Database and Log SHOW commands


Use this command to see if you need to increase your database buffer pool size. An associated command is SHOW BUFV, but it is less obvious what the output means.

Example output is:

    Database Buffer Pool Statistics:

    Total Buffer Latch Requests:   184217213
    Times Scavenging Required:      1123642  0.61%
    Times Scavenging by Stealing:   1105210  0.60%
    Times Scavenging by Waiting:          0  0.00%
    Times Read Required:            1123574  0.61%
    Cache Hit Percentage:             99.39%

SHow BUFVars:

Shows database buffer pool global variables.


Use this command to displays the database transaction table.

Example output is:

Session SHOW commands

SHow INVObject 0 ObjectId:

Use this command to show an inventory object, reporting its nodename, filespace, management class, and more. This command can be useful if you get errors with objects.


If your TSM server is running very slow it is worth trying this command. A TSM server uses locks to serialise updates to prevent corruption. You use this command to see what resources are locked.


The TSM server monitors resource usage and will cancel any resource users that are holding onto resources for too long. You use the SHOW RESQUEUE command to display the resource queue and it will display information about transactions, locks, and other resources.

Windows Client SHOW commands


TSM uses Subfile backups to backup only changed portions of files over slow network links. TSM knows what parts of a file have changed, by storing checksum information in a cache file on the client. This command will display information about the subfile cache, if the client is configured to use subfile backup.


If you want to use extra capabilities like image backup, then they are provided by ?plug-ins?. You use this command to find out what plug-ins are available for this client.


Client SHOW commands


Displays information about the disk mappings in a WindowsMicrosoft or a Netware Cluster.

SHOW Options:

Displays the active client options.


You can configure a client so it can get its option settings from either the client option file or from the server. This command will tell you which one is in use for this client.

SHOW SEssion:

Displays capabilities that this client has for this connection to the server. The client and server report and negotiate the capabilities that each has when a session is started by a client to a server. This show command reports the capabilities available by this server and client.

SQL queries

List the number of clients by platform:

SELECT platform_name,count(*) AS "Number of Nodes" FROM nodes GROUP BY platform_name ORDER BY "Number of Nodes"

List all of the tapes used by a node:

SELECT DISTINCT node_name,volume_name,stgpool_name FROM volumeusage WHERE node_name='xxx'

List all of the nodes using a tape:

SELECT DISTINCT node_name,volume_name,stgpool_name FROM volumeusage WHERE volume_name='xxx'

List tapes used today:

SELECT volume_name,last_write_date FROM volumes WHERE (last_write_date >=current_timestamp - 24 hours)

Or to list the last write date for all the tapes in order:

SELECT volume_name,last_write_date FROM volumes ORDER BY last_write_date

Or to see just the number of tapes written to in the last 24 hours:

Estimate the space that would be freed by an unload/reload

This command will estimate how much space would be recovered by doing an unload/reload of the database. When the process is finished, the results can be queried with “q db f=d”. It can take a long time to complete. Hopefully this won’t be an issue with TSM 6.1.


Forcing TSM to delete files

It’s possible under some circumstances to have files stored in TSM that the client won’t or can’t delete. This usually happens with TDP installations. You can force TSM to delete these backups, but do so very carefully. It’s possible to delete the wrong backup easily. Run this on a UNIX client or server.

First get a list of all the files a node has backed up:

dsmadmc -id=userid -pass=userpass "show versions nodename * namet=unicode" > tsm_vers.out

Edit the output file and only leave the backups that you want to delete. This command reads that input file and deletes any backups in it: